After a stressful semester, the casting aside of my vegan intentions, and for all intensive purposes, the loss of my interest in the vegan lifestyle all together, here I stand. I've been eating vegan for about a week, and I am utterly and completely shocked... at how easy it's been! Granted, as someone who only ate fish, and products like baked goods which have cooked milk, and eggs, and cheese... it has not been a difficult transition.
In high school I tried veganism for a month, mostly because I wanted to lose weight, own the svelte, etc., etc. It was a totally different experience. Although I made this blog, wrote an entry, got up on my high horse of gastric selectivity, I had no real desire as of a week and a half ago to actually do it. But let me assure you, anyone interested in becoming vegan, I have found the portal, the hard push, the ring to rule them all so to speak.
Watch the documentary "Earthlings." You will be vegan. At least for the first week, it will be easy. You will feel good. You will wonder how you ever craved animal products. The movie is brutal, honest, graphic, and totally heart wrenching, angering, and generally bothersome to the human emotions of guilt and horror. But it works. When you're doing it (veganism) because you think its right, as opposed to doing it for your own selfish desires (thinness, gloat factor, feeling as if you've been directly produced from God's anal sphincter),there is a sense of... largeness, to the cause. To some people, I'm sure that still won't cut it, and I know harder days are coming for me in my pursuit to do this, but I do feel entwined in this much bigger picture, and for me (the college student, the idealist, the activist), that has been a tremendous push. Basically, after watching two hours of in your face, blatant and horrific animal cruelty, I feel like a raging member of PETA, a willing thrower of paint, and, admittedly, a princess of holier than thou post adolescent angst and pretension.
However, for all I can say about how easy it's been, I haven't necessarily been the shining beacon of self sacrifice for the cause. In the throw's of my finals, I ate a large McDonald's french fry... bucket. Directly vegan? Yes. Indirectly...? Sinful. But, at the end of the day, I'm still trying. Still avoiding giving into the ease of ordering pizza, or toasting a bagel(and you know I don't mean sanz cream cheese). I feel good about what I'm doing, and that goodness is coming from more than one level this time around, its not a choice of vanity( or at least not completely), and even as one person, I feel like I'm making a small difference.
i watched this movie in installments (thankfully) and it probably had more to do with me becoming a vegetarian than anything else.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's definitely one of the most life changing things I've ever watched. I watched it all at once, and basically cried and heaved for two hours. I'm glad I watched it though. I wish more people would.